A series of four salons that are curated by the techno-feminist publication series href zine. On the occasion of the second issue of href zine being released on landscapes, technoid natures, and symbioses:
The second issue of the href zine discovers and appreciates the other-than-human and the human to be embedded in the very same more-than-human spaces and landscapes. At the same time this issue assembles designed, written, emerged, read and printed landscapes, that derive their form from participation and contributions. Based on this initial situation our agenda to destabilize human exceptionalism and re-distribute agency, will firstly de-territorialize human technologies as indicators of superiority, and secondly to revise and rethink our human technologies as tools of re-connecting with the world. This issue of the href zine dreams of technoid natures, that are shared and inhabited by other-than-humans and humans, everything born, grown and made, mediated via technologies and practices.
is the direction-giving part of link; a vector that links the current position to a new place of interest and makes the movement through a (virtual) space possible.
Comprehensive thinkers for
the Post-Anthropocene.
How art and design can be mediators
between science and public to build a
collective memory.
Fara Peluso is a Berlin based artist - designer. She is graduated in industrial design at University Architecture 'La Sapienza' in Rome and as graphic designer. Through the speculative research she plays how to connect the human being with nature, living organisms and biological processes in a deeper relationship. Constantly researching and taking inspiration from elements present in Nature, she believes that it’s a great Strategy for Design. The relationship between the human being and its living planet is observed and the concept that we are the most important living organisms on earth is cancelled. Fara Peluso wants to contribute to raise critical questions considering it a role belonging to artists and designers, she asks how the design of new tools trough a speculative methodology can be applied in this way. [...]
31.05.2021, 6 pm
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