26. Salon

Salon Digital Book Readings

Release und Lesungen

Salon Digital - Book Readings
(watch videos below)

Presentation / 22. - 26.05.2020

The Salon Digital presents its publication Vol. 1 with readings:

22.06., 8 pm: Ralf Baecker, Dennis Paul, Andrea Sick

23.06., 8 pm: Jan Charzinski, Julian Hespenheide

24.06., 8 pm: Irena Kukrić, Georg Trogemann

25.06., 8 pm: Kerstin Ergenzinger, Claudia Reiche & Helene von Oldenburg

26.06., 8 pm: Martin Howse, Luiz Zanotello

Reenactments in Kunst, Gestaltung, Wissenschaft und Technologie
Reenactments in Art, Design, Science and Technology
Salon Digital Band / Vol. 1

Edited by:
Ralf Baecker, Dennis Paul, Andrea Sick (Hochschule für Künste Bremen)

Design: Sarah Käsmayr, Layout with Cássia Vila
Copyediting: Katha Schulte (german), Allison Moseley (english)

256 Seiten – Fadengeheftete Broschur – 17 x 24 cm – 28 Euro
ISBN: 978-3-86485-233-6
Textem Verlag, 2020

Supported by the Hochschule für Künste Bremen.

Re-enactment can translate ideas, history and theory into physical entities and actions. At the centre is the concept of visualising past events, initiated by the wish to make it possible to experience fundamentally unrepeatable history, and thus expose the mechanisms and fantasies of the ‘new’. Re-enactment presents an opportunity to observe media and their contexts in a new way, to immerse oneself in the conditions of production through one’s own actions. In this respect, re-enactment should not necessarily be considered an attempt at a faithful ‘re-staging’, but an interpretation, which makes use of new means and takes place in an expanded or altered context. A re-enactment in art, design, science and technology is indeed, however, a re-staging, to the extent that it is necessary to present it within a setting as a singular event.

This first volume from the series Re-enactments in Art, Design, Science and Technology gathers contributions to the salons sponsored by the Hochschule für Künste Bremen, from 2016 to late 2018. These are supplemented by texts written by those who were invited to contribute to the book, all of which focus on the re-enactment of technologies and theories and are distinguished by an artistic, scientific method of work.

With 14 contributions in German and English by:
Mariana Schetini Basso, Jan Charzinski, Kerstin Ergenzinger, Christian Faubel, Gabriele Gramelsberger, Julian-Anthony Hespenheide, Martin Howse, Irena Kukrić, Helene von Oldenburg, Claudia Reiche, Sebastian Schmieg, Ashkan Sepahvand, Julian Stubbe, Georg Trogemann, Luiz Zanotello